I sometimes miss the mechanical, tactile operations of cassette tape players.
Before iPhone, there was Newton.
Before USB memory, there was floppy disk.
Before the internet, there was encyclopedia.
Before Google, we had to ask parents, uncles, friends, and teachers. And I miss looking up to my parents with respect and expectations for answers to all my questions.
*위에 나온 카세트테이프레코더는 1970년대 후반경에 발매된 Sony TCM-600. (참고 링크: 황준의 블로그) 오래동안 깨끗하게 잘 보관했었는데 최근 몇 년 건전지를 빼놓지 않아 전해액이 새어나오는 바람에 갑자기 폭삭 고물이 되어버렸다. 지금보아도 구석구석 디자인이 잘 되었다는 느낌이 든다. ]]>
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