I am not used to donating books. Like father like son, both my dad and I have developed some affection toward books and we ended up keeping piles upon piles of books.
More than that, if a book is really good, then I would like to keep it. If the book is not very interesting, then I would feel guilty to give it to someone. So I end up keeping both good and bad kinds of books.
For some mysterious reason, people usually have difficulty throwing away books. I wonder why.
Recently, I donated two of my favorite books to a library at my kids’ school.

Creature, by Andrew Zuckerman, is a large-sized coffee table photo book with splendid photos of animals. I once thought it would be nice to rip off some of the pages from this book and frame them for display for home or office.
Timothy Keller’s “Gospel in Life Discussion Guide with DVD: Grace Changes Everything” is a collection of Tim Keller’s short lectures with video. Perhaps they might have difficulty watching the video because the Region Code (1) of the DVD does not match that of Korea (3).
The very act of donating the books was like going to a dentist. You feel nervous at first because you are not very certain about what to expect. Then there is a sense of relief after you’ve done it. (Except that there was no souvenir gift as some children’s dental clinic gives would give.)
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