Coat of Arms of Romania
View from the Palace of the Parliament
A corner of the Palace of the Parliament building. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Palace is the world’s largest civilian administrative building, most expensive administrative building, and heaviest building. It houses 1,100 rooms and the rooms are huge.
The staircase leading to the ground floor of the building.
Decoration on the bench in a park. Bucuresti is how the city is called in Romania. The climate was almost the same as that of Seoul.
The Romanian Athenaum, opened in 1888, is a concert hall in the center of Bucharest. Thus the names of renown artists around the building. (see below)
Molière was a French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature. His real name was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. I think you know who Beethoven is.
The distance between Bucharest and Cernavoda: 160km. Romania is about twice as large as South Korea. Its population is about 1/2 of South Korea.
Gas station where we had our lunch. I liked the clean look of the whole presentation of the building and the interior.
First electric tram was introduced in Romania in 1899. Korean tram system first appeared in Seoul the same year. I cannot help but wonder how and where they produced electricity at that time.
In a meeting. Identities obscured.
On the move. Identities obscured.
I am sorry for the four persons whose identities were not fully obscured.
Inside the gas station.
The girl in the corner seemed to be working on her eyelashes. I didn’t get to check what the sculpture was about.
Working on Gucci logo.
I took Turkish Airlines all the way. I stopped by Atatürk International Airport in Istanbul, which is the 16th busiest in the world in terms of international passenger traffic. The airport was named in honor of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938), the founder and the first president of the Republic of Turkey.
Engine of Airbus A320-200. According to the price list (pdf) published by Airbus, this airplane costs $85 million.
Fresh salad with olive oil + lemon dressing was quite nice.
Menu at the gas station. FYI, 3 Lei = 1 US Dollar.
Lunch at the cafeteria in the Parliament building. Local food was great.
Have a Good Rest
I wondered what was the point of having a picture of a building next to the bed. Does it symbolize anything? Stability? Symmetric beauty? Classical orderliness?
©2011 All photos by Soonuk Jung, using either Canon 5D Mk II or Canon PowerShot SX210 IS.]]>
Sights from Bucharest, Romania
“Sights from Bucharest, Romania” 에 하나의 답글
You made me come in here looking for you since you deleted yourself from FB. Nice pictures. It is as if I visited Romania myself. Thanks.
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