What works for me

iPhone case This iPhone case from Lab C, a Korean company, has small USB memory card as well as an insert for NFC cards (for transportation cards and door locks). usb_memory_iphone Evernote For taking notes, Evernote works really well for me. Being able to access my notes from iPhone as well as web browsers from any computer allows for seamless work as I move from an office to another. ZIG Letterpen Cocoiro ZIG Letterpen Cocoiro from a rather unfamiliar stationery company called Kuretake is my current favorite pen for everyday use. Although this pen is more expensive compared to a couple of other soft-tip pens in the market, the unusual shape of the pen adds to the comfort of use. Pumping Board This pumping board is a shock absorber with small amount of bouncing back mechanism on which you can keep running in the room without disturbing tenants living on the floor under your apartment. ]]>


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