I started reading Atul Gawande’s The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right. Atul Gawande (born 1965) is surgeon and writer who wrote Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science and Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance, both of which were extremely fun to read. Many of Atul’s stories involve details of urgent situations taking place during surgical operations or in emergency rooms, because of which the book carries engaging suspense one can expect from books from thriller novelist like Frederick Forsyth. At the same time, his books are filled with interesting anecdotes and insights that you would expect from authors like Malcolm Gladwell. On top of that, the author’s writing style is so readable. The Checklist Manifesto is not necessarily a self-help book but the insights from the book are so incisive and penetrating that it would definitely help you improve your performance at work or at home.]]>
Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto
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