
The Cost of Energy

3 replies on “The Cost of Energy”

Dear Soonuk,
Are you in Kenya? It was quite instructive to read your article. When I went to Ivory coast and Tanzania, I felt same thing like you. How happy Korean are! And I agree with your opinion.
Take care,
Victor Choi

지난주 보스톤 디자인컨티늄 다녀왔어요. 코롤라 만땅 30불 채우고 이틀간 쉬지않고 돌아다녔는데 눈금이 내려왔는지 눈치도 못채겠더군요. 아찔했습니다. 이렇게 싸게해놓고 살고있구나. IT 가 일부 이뤄놓은 equity가 언제쯤 energy 에도 다가갈 수 있을지. 글펌해갑니다.

I agree that KEPCO, Korea Electric Power Corporation, has very advanced technologies for power generation and is supplying competitive price compared with other countries. But it has chronic deficit. It is possible for KEPCO to supply electic power with low price due to government support by our tax. Actually we are paying additional electric power price by our tax in Korea.

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