2013년 10월 13-17일 동안 대구 엑스코에서 열린 세계에너지총회 2013가 무사히 막을 내렸다. 이 회의에서 “에너지 삼중고(energy trilemma)“라는 표현이 사용되었는데 여기서 말하는 에너지 관련 난제 세 가지란 다음과 같다:
- energy security (에너지 안보)
- energy equity (에너지 형평)
- environmental sustainability (환경 지속가능성)
- Action 1: Connect the energy trilemma to the broader national agenda
- Action 2: Provide leadership to build consensus – nationally and globally
- Action 3: Improve policymaker dialogue
- Action 4: Increase engagement with the financial community
- Action 5: Minimise policy and regulatory risk and ensure optimal risk allocation
- Action 6: Adopt market-based approaches to carbon pricing to drive investments
- Action 7: Design transparent, flexible and dynamic pricing frameworks
- Action 8: Drive (green) trade liberalisation
- Action 9: Meet the need for more research, development & demonstration (RD&D)
- Action 10: Encourage joint pre-commercial industry initiatives, including early large-scale demonstration and deployment.